RENTAL APPLICATION Date: __________________ Application is hereby made to rent premises generally described as ___________________________________________________ for a term of _______ and ending the ____ day of _____________, 20____, for which monthly rental shall be $____________, payable in advance, and for which a security deposit of $_____________ shall be due prior to occupancy of the above-described premises. A deposit of $________ is made herewith on account of the first month's rent, with the understanding that if this application is accepted and the applicant fails to execute a lease before the beginning date specified above, or to pay the balance due as first month's rent, said payment will be forfeited as liquidated damages. It is also understood that if this application is not accepted, or if the premises are not ready for occupancy by the applicant on the date specified above, said deposit shall be refunded to the applicant forthwith, upon applicant's request. APPLICANT Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Present Address: ____________________________________________ How Long? ___________ Previous Address: ___________________________________________ How Long? ___________ Married: ________ Spouse's Name: __________________________________________________ Children? ______________ How Many? _______________ Ages? _____________________ Pets? _______________ What Kind? ___________________ How Many? ___________ YOUR EMPLOYMENT Employer: _____________________________________________________________________ Employer Address: ______________________________________________________________ Supervisor: _____________________________ Bus. Phone: _____________________________ How Long on Present Job? _________________________ Annual Income: _________________ SPOUSE'S EMPLOYMENT Employer: ______________________________________________________________________ Employer Address: _______________________________________________________________ Supervisor: ______________________________ Bus. Phone: _____________________________ How Long on Present Job? ____________________ Annual Income: ______________________ REFERENCES Bank: ________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Personal Reference: _____________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Credit Reference: _______________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Credit Reference: _______________________________ Phone: ____________________________ ____________________________ The information provided herein may be used by the landlord or his agent to determine whether to accept this application. Upon written request within 30 days, the landlord or his agent will disclose to applicant in writing the nature and scope of any investigation landlord has requested, and will, if this application is refused, state in writing the reason for said refusal. Accepted ________ Refused _________